Danielle Katerberg

Certified Life Coach

Learn how to tame your inner-critic and become your own best friend.

If you are someone who is often self-critical, who overthinks things, and struggles to have a peaceful mind, then life coaching may be just what you need to start worrying less and loving life more.

About Danielle

Hello and Welcome!

I found life coaching soon after my husband died. I was adjusting to being a solo mom to my kids, while grieving, and found myself thinking that all my best years were now behind me. I believed that my life as a widowed mom could never be as happy as it was before. Through life coaching, I learned how these limiting thoughts were preventing me from living a life in which I could be truly happy again, and I learned how to change my thinking to be able to create a life that could be good, even wonderful, again. I became a certified life coach so that I could help others transform their lives just like I have.

Work with me

What does working together look like?

I meet with my clients virtually via zoom, typically for 55-minute sessions.  I use an integrative approach to help explore what challenges you may be facing, and together we  work to help you gain clarity, perspective and confidence to make positive changes in your life. I may also provide practical tools and resources. You will learn new ways of thinking to break the old habits that are holding you back. 



Working with Danielle has been an amazing experience!  She is always able to help me find what I’m actually struggling with, rather than what I think I’m worried about or stuck on.  She has helped me break through and make progress in my life and thought patterns.  Life coaching has been a fantastic experience and Danielle is a caring and exceptional coach!


Danielle is highly skilled in her coaching, incorporating numerous exercises that I practice during the sessions and can continue on my own. She helps me achieve a deeper understanding of my resistance and limiting beliefs while allowing me to generate my own answers. Danielle challenges my thoughts to ensure they make sense to me. Her reflective approach to my own words provides insights, and prompts additional perspectives for me to explore. With her guidance, I consistently move forward until I achieve what was once very challenging for me.


Danielle, thanks for being the coach that you are. Your presence, your questions, your smile, your empathy, are more helpful than you think. I know that I can bring the deepest questions and you will hold a beautiful space for me. I have a lot of work to do, and I feel lucky to have you on my side.


Awareness is one step away....

If you have any questions, let’s find a time to meet to see if we are a good fit.